Audience management tools

Leveraging Audience Management Tools to Optimize Marketing Spend and ROI

Like so many aspects of modern marketing, audience management relies on data. Your level of audience management maturity is based on your ability (or lack of) to leverage your customer data and apply it in a way that enables messaging to be personal and consistent across channels.

Audience management tools are an important part of this process. They give you insight about different customer segments and can help you build detailed audience profiles. They make the data – and the audience segments created from that data – actionable. 

That means that marketers can create omni-channel campaigns that are relevant across all channels and touchpoints and get the right messages to the right people. The best part? All of this is measurable. An audience management platform makes it possible to fully understand the ROI of all your marketing initiatives.

What is Marketing ROI?

Marketing ROI (Return on Investment) is a crucial metric that quantifies the profitability of your marketing efforts. Essentially, it measures the return generated from investment made in marketing activities. Marketing ROI is expressed as a percentage, providing businesses with a straightforward way to understand the effectiveness and impact of their marketing campaigns.

Understanding Marketing ROI is vital as it offers insights into the value derived from each marketing initiative, allowing businesses to gauge which strategies are working best. For instance, if a campaign’s ROI is positive, it signifies that the initiative has generated more revenue than the cost incurred, highlighting its success.

In the digital transformation age, ensuring a high ROI is non-negotiable for businesses aiming to stay competitive and profitable. With myriad channels and strategies available, focusing on those that yield the highest returns is imperative for efficient and effective marketing.

Key Capabilities of Audience Management Platforms

Personalization platforms are equipped with audience discovery and management tools l that use data and machine learning (ML) to deliver unique experiences to customers as they navigate various offline and online touchpoints. Robust solutions like Monetate typically combine dynamic testing and targeting capabilities with AI-powered personalization engines that automate and streamline customer segmentation.  

The capabilities that make audience management  so effective include:

  • Data collection and segmentation – Collects first and third-party data from your website, CRM, and other sources like ad campaigns and social media profiles. It then uses this data to segment your audience into groups.
  • Customer segmentation – Builds profiles and creates customer segments from using data like customer behavior, demographics, and interests. This is the main ingredient you need to target personalized content to a given audience, no matter what touchpoint they’re using.
  • Cross-channel tracking – Monitors engagement across channels like email, social, web, and paid media. This helps you understand how each interaction, piece of content, and  campaign, contributes to your overall ROI—crucial information for optimizing your approach.
  • Attribution modeling – Analyzes the impact of each channel in the buying journey so you can optimize spend accordingly.
  • Predictive analytics – Models customer lifetime value so you can forecast potential revenue streams from individual segments. Using behavioral segmentation to predict future behaviors allows you to be proactive when creating campaigns, content, and strategies for the various audiences you’re targeting.
  • Integration with other martech tools – Integrates with other tools in your marketing tech stack and seamlessly shares audience data with all tools. This keeps you coordinated across platforms and is the only way to maintain consistency across the many different apps, channels, and devices your customers are using.


Strategies for Improving Marketing ROI with Audience Data

The primary goal of audience segmentation is to identify distinct audience groups so you can build a marketing strategy that resonates with each of them. Unearthing high-value segments is a key part of this process since it means you can focus spending more on the groups that generate the highest value for your business—an effective way to improve marketing ROI

Other ROI-boosting audience discovery and targeting strategies include:

  • Creating targeted campaigns – Targeting campaigns to specific audience profiles lets you optimize all components of the campaign, from the channels you select to the messaging you create. Campaign Monitor found that when marketers used segmented campaigns, they get up to a 760% lift in revenue.
  • Optimize marketing budgets – Once you understand what strategies work for a specific audience, you can shift budget away from the low-performing channels and campaigns. This improves your ROI because it makes your marketing spend much more effective (e.g., reduces waste). 
  • Leverage lookalike modeling – Once you know what’s working, you can create new segments by modeling the characteristics of your most profitable segments. These “lookalike” audiences allow you to expand into additional high-performing segments which is what contributes to higher ROI. 
  • Test and iterateA/B/n and dynamic testing use audience insights to analyze campaigns and optimize future initiatives. This eliminates the guesswork from your marketing approach and allows you to continue offering high-quality experiences to customers.

How to Measure Your Marketing ROI

Measuring marketing ROI involves calculating the gains obtained from marketing efforts relative to their cost. The process requires businesses to keep track of their expenditures and the resulting revenue. Here’s a step-by-step guide to measuring your marketing ROI effectively:

  • Identify and Track KPIs: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs provide invaluable data points for evaluating the performance of your campaigns.
  • Calculate Marketing Spend: Sum up the total cost involved in a marketing campaign. This includes advertising costs, content creation, labor, tools and technology used, and any other expenses associated with the initiative.
  • Determine Gross Profit: Calculate the gross profit generated from the campaign by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from the total revenue.
  • Compute Marketing ROI: Use the formula:
    • Marketing ROI = (Gross Profit – Marketing Spend) / Marketing Spend x 100
    • This equation will give you the return on investment as a percentage, allowing for easy assessment and comparison of different campaigns’ profitability.
  • Utilize Audience Management Tools: These tools can greatly aid in measuring and optimizing your marketing ROI by providing in-depth insights into customer behavior, preferences, and engagement levels across various channels.
  • Analyze and Adjust: Regularly review and analyze your marketing ROI data to identify trends, successes, and areas needing improvement. Adjust your strategies and budget allocation accordingly to optimize future campaigns for higher returns.

Remember, consistency in measurement is key, as it ensures accuracy and reliability in your data. Consistently measuring marketing ROI enables businesses to refine and hone their strategies over time, ultimately leading to better decision-making and higher profitability.

Tips for Choosing the Right Audience Management Platform

The right technology is what facilitates and enables effective audience management. When choosing a platform, it should be flexible — giving you the ability to add and remove features without rebuilding your entire infrastructure. You should also make sure it integrates with your existing tech stack. 

Other criteria to consider: predictive modeling and machine learning capabilities  to automate the process of audience segmentation and lookalike modeling. Both are what help you increase revenue and improve ROI. 

Since customer data is sensitive information, make sure the tool you select comes with enterprise-ready data security and privacy safeguards. This helps you avoid potential breaches and ensures compliance with global data protection regulations.