AmCharts Page Block

This AmCharts page block is utilizing library – there are 2 options Highlight and Donut Charts

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Highlight Line Chart

Charts with multiple series are great to get a high-level view of data but could be hard to read when you want to focus on data in one series. Selecting the series in the legend and highlighting its respective graph is a perfect way to solve this issue.

Char data coming from json file.
There is an option to add filter/facets to chart – selecting will reload chart with new data json file.
Samples that used in this example:

Donut Chart

Donut Chart (also known as Doughnut chart) is a variation on a Pie chart except it has a round hole in the center which makes it look like a donut, hence the name. This empty space can be used to display additional data.

Donut chart is using data json file. See sample that used in this example: am_chart_json_donut_sample.json

Highlight Line Chart

Charts with multiple series are great to get a high-level view of data but could be hard to read when you want to focus on data in one series. Selecting the series in the legend and highlighting its respective graph is a perfect way to solve this issue.

Donut Chart

Donut Chart (also known as Doughnut chart) is a variation on a Pie chart except it has a round hole in the center which makes it look like a donut, hence the name. This empty space can be used to display additional data.

Bar Chart

Bar chart