Q1 2022

Monetate Ecommerce Quarterly Benchmarks Q1 2022

The Q1 2022 Ecommerce Quarterly Benchmarks report helps retailers assess how their own KPIs stack up against their peers.


  • Sessions
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Pageviews
  • Add-to-Cart
  • Abandoned Cart
  • Conversion Rate
  • Average Order Value

This eCommerce benchmarks report includes Q1 YoY percentage changes, and regional data across the US, Great Britain, EMEA, and Other. Billions of Monetate customer sessions were analyzed to produce this data.

You can also view a dynamic version of our Ecommerce benchmarks!

4 Key Findings from the Report

  • In Q1 2022, the data showed that mobile shopping is still driving most of the traffic (67%) overall.
  • Bounce rates are up slightly. By 3% since Q4 2021 and by 6% over the past 12 months. Bounce rates on Mobile on relatively stable but have gone up on Tablet and Desktop.
  • The Average Order Value is up over the past 12 months, particularly in the US and GB, and can be seen most clearly in desktop purchases across these two regions.
  • Add-to-cart rates have seen a slight decline YoY, mainly in EMEA, but the US did see a sizable decrease since Q4 2021.

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Ecommerce Quarterly Benchmarking Report Q1 2022