Monetate Black Friday Weekend Recap 2022: $8.6 Billion in Sales, 13.2% Increase in Purchases, and a New Cyber Monday Record

Monetate Black Friday Weekend Recap 2022: $8.6 Billion in Sales, 13.2% Increase in Purchases, and a New Cyber Monday Record

Now that Black Friday Weekend 2022 has come and gone, it’s time to celebrate. We made it!

The entire team at Monetate would like to take a moment to congratulate our customers for the care, planning, and innovation you brought to this year’s peak season. And your efforts were rewarded.

So, the question is: What happened during Black Friday Weekend 2022?

Here’s how Monetate’s customers crushed it during peak:

  • $8.6 Billion total in eCommerce sales for Black Friday Weekend
    • $2.3 Billion from Black Friday alone
    • $2.1 Billion from Cyber Monday – A new Monetate record!

  • 13.2% increase in purchases compared to 2021

Monetate was incredibly excited to see how Cyber Monday sales continue to grow yearly for our customers, hitting a new record of $2.1 Billion in sales. It will be interesting to see what happens next year, as for Monetate customers Cyber Monday is becoming almost as big of a day as Black Friday in terms of sales.

Although our customers had some amazing wins and success during peak, it’s important to note that Monetate is beginning to see signs of the economy impacting the online experience for our customers.

Therefore, it is increasingly important for brands and retailers to use their customer and third-party data to launch personalized experiences that captivate shoppers to drive conversions. Leveraging other tools such as product recommendations and social proof are other ways to help shoppers convert by guiding them toward products that are likely to satisfy and be appealing to customers who are more mindful of their spending and carefully managing their budget.

We recently released our Ecommerce Quarterly Benchmarks Report for Q3 of 2022, which shows that while shoppers are still browsing and looking at products online, they are starting to become more cautious about making a purchase. In this edition of the report, our team offers some suggestions to consider adding to your personalization mix to boost conversions.

If you’d like to learn more about Monetate’s Black Friday Weekend 2022 results, you can check out our press release.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about Monetate Personalization, please feel free to contact us.

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